5-Day Grief Retreat for Healing Professionals: An Immersion Workshop on Restoring Hope and Facilitating Healthy Grief Processing

  • 09/26/2023
  • 4:00 PM
  • 09/30/2023
  • 12:00 PM
  • Sedona, AZ


Through live lectures and experiential exercises, Claire will show you how you can individualize counseling and treatment in ways that normalize your clients’ pain and empower you to walk alongside the grieving in skillful and profound ways.

You’ll get the step-by-step guidance you need to help clients cope in their darkest hours and rebuild fulfilling lives!

When you register, you’ll discover how to:

  1. Identify specific manifestations of grief
  2. Improve grieving clients’ ability to express their emotions
  3. Capably work with clients of diverse cultures and belief
  4. Calm grieving clients’ anxiety and open them to healing
  5. Use over a dozen creative grief processing techniques to rewrite stories of loss
  6. And much more!

You’ll leave this retreat feeling ready and capable to help grieving clients’ cope, build support, and process their grief in a healthy way.