S03 - Grief Therapy Techniques: a foundation for clinicians

  • 09/22/2023
  • 11:00 AM - 6:15 PM
  • Online


There has always been a deep need for therapists, social workers, and counselors to provide grief and bereavement support to clients. And yet the majority of Masters and PhD programs in these fields do not require coursework in grief therapy approaches and techniques. This leaves many clinicians trying to adapt other approaches which, in many cases, are not appropriate or evidence-informed in working with grieving clients. This session will provide clinicians with a strong foundation in grief counseling and therapy techniques. It will also provide clinician evaluation tools for assessing whether trauma responses or depression may need to be addressed prior to or in tandem with grief counseling approaches. The workshop presumes a basic understanding of modern grief theories, including Continuing Bonds Theory and the Dual Process Model of Bereavement. Pre-reading will be sent out for those participants unfamiliar with these models.