“Sometimes, I wish it was me who died ..”, “I feel guilty for so many things ..”, “Don’t expect me to be fine overnight ..”, “Our family should be getting closer but it feels like we’re growing apart .., “I’m hurting and it seems like you don’t care …”. The voices of these and other bereaved clients will come to life in this creative workshop where you begin to see the world through the eyes of a person experiencing deep loss. Drawing on her years of experience as a bereavement counselor, Dr. Sirrine weaves unforgettable case stories of bereaved children, adolescents, and adults with creative intervention strategies for a workshop unlike anything you’ve ever attended. Though a combination of interactive demonstrations and experiential activities, you will leave this workshop with over 25 concrete intervention techniques that will forever change your clinical practice. Passionate about her clinical work, Dr. Sirrine brings a “tool-kit” of her favorite therapeutic strategies and interventions so you can easily develop your own following the training.