Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Developmental Deficits and Adults Abused as Children

  • 03/10/2017
  • 03/11/2017
  • Woodland Hills, CA

Upon completion of this workshop, attendees will be better able to:

•Describe the five basic principles of Attachment-focused EMDR and how they can be integrated into the treatment of relational trauma.
•Discuss how an attachment-focus can be integrated into the history taking and preparation phases of EMDR
•List the four most commonly used resources to install as well as other useful resources and how they can be integrated into EMDR with an attachment focus
•Describe how to repair early developmental stages using imagination and bilateral stimulation.
•Name three techniques for working with dissociation
•Describe four ways to integrate an attachment-focus into the desensitization, installation, closure and reevaluation phases of EMDR.
•Utilize at least four interweave strategies
•Describe how and why to adapt the standard EMDR protocol for clients with attachment wounds.

Earn 12 CE/CME Credit Hours: Also Approved for 12 EMDRIA Credit Hours

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