APC Webinar Journal Club V, five-part series

  • 09/22/2015
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Online

A central feature of what competent chaplains do is to address the religious/spiritual needs of people with serious illness and their loved ones. Thus our series will begin with a model of how to study the religious/spiritual needs of one specific group of patients, and we will end with research about chaplain competencies. The three other articles we will read examine what chaplains do in response to patients' needs. The articles we will read for this webinar series use diverse research methods, such as surveys, ethnography, interviews, focus groups, concept-mapping and experience-sampling, to describe what chaplains do and what patients need. These also examine several different aspects of what chaplains do and what patients need, including spiritual care in the ICU, spiritual care in hospice and palliative care, interfaith spiritual care, and spiritual care for adolescents and young adults receiving blood and marrow transplants. Becoming familiar with research about what chaplains do is one important way to help us provide the best care possible for the patients and families we serve.

The Aims of This Webinar Journal Club are:
  1. To help participants use research about what chaplains do, and what patients and families need to critically reflect on their current practice.
  2. To inform participants about current issues in professional chaplaincy.
  3. To provide participants with resources that can help them advance their practice and advocate for its importance.
  4. To help chaplains develop and maintain research literacy, including the ability to critically read research and, where appropriate, apply the findings in their professional practice.

Visit The Association of Professional Chaplains.

Please follow registration directions on their website.

Registration Deadline is September 11, 2015.

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